Mansions, Wiscansin, and Vanessa Carlton
Hi friends. We just hit our first 1000 miles! We're currently making our way downtown to Minneapolis through Wisconsin, or wiscansin if you ask one of the most prolific innovators of our generation, t-pain.
We arrived in Youngstown, Ohio for our first stop at about midnight on Friday. Chatted a little bit with Dylan's aunt and uncle but mostly we just crashed. Left early the next day and stopped at the beautiful Maggie's Magic Muffins. Plz keep in mind these are muffins not cupcakes. We left straight after and nailed our first daytime drive to Chicago.
Clockwise from top left: s'mores, cinnamon streusel, oreo, salted caramel latte, red velvet, blueberry. They're all muffins.
We spent yesterday with some of both of our friends, watched the tech game, saw a second city show, and tried some of their fake ass pizza. I have notes, but I'll refer you to the pizza belt for the science based true facts that I personally trust.
look at me. look at me. i am de cheestan now
Like I said, we hit the road for Minneapolis this morning which means we've been spending the last five hours trucking through Wisconsin. It's been a really beautiful morning out here -- the air is already getting a lot cooler than the sweltering day we had in Chicago yesterday -- and we've seen some pretty cool stuff on the way. We figured out that Wisconsin Dells is apparently a town (weren't totally sure) and its notable thing is that it's covered in these really dope sandstone formations carved by glaciers. We didn't find this out until after we left but we did see a few of those formations by the roadside and it was really awesome -- kind of looked like Sedona or rock formations in southern Utah or something. We obviously didn't get any photos but trust me it was neat.
We also couldn't leave wisconsin without doing cheese things, so we stopped in a little dairy and got some cheese curds and tried on some cheese hats.
We have a ton of fun "last day in civilization" stuff to do in Minneapolis today that we're really excited about but this is pretty much where the trip becomes real. It'll be another maybe 4000 miles before we see anyone else we know on this trip so from here on out it's really starting to feel like an adventure.